The technology industry thrives on innovation making for a rapidly changing, diverse, and complex landscape. Add converging business models and shifting regulations, and it’s clear that we’re in a high-stakes era – one where technology’s potential, if not harnessed and harnessed well, can be outrun by shrinking product development cycles, global competition, emerging cyber security risks, and increased regulation. And like technology itself, accounting for tech companies is always evolving.

With Haefele Flanagan you have a partner that understands the velocity and degree of change in today’s technology sector as well as superior accounting and business practices for navigating them.

We take a comprehensive approach in helping companies and investors alike develop strategic solutions designed to ensure success and longevity no matter where tomorrow’s breakthroughs lead.

In addition to our core accounting services, we provide the following for technology-driven businesses:
  • Assistance in applying revenue recognition rules
  • Assistance in selection and implementation of accounting information systems
  • Benchmarking
  • Capital planning and budgeting
  • Cash flow forecasting, projections, and modeling
  • Comprehensive evaluations of internal controls
  • Evaluating & Negotiating Financing
  • Human resources consulting and employee benefit packages
  • Navigation of sales and use tax regulations for multi-state operations
  • Outsourced accounting services
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