Personal Finance

Estimated Quarterly Taxes due September 16th
The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers who pay estimated taxes that the deadline to pay their third quarter tax liability is September 16th. Taxpayers may have to pay estimated tax if the amount…
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Final Regulations on the Sale and Exchange of Digital Assets, including Cryptocurrency
The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service issued final regulations requiring custodial brokers to report sales and exchanges of digital assets, including cryptocurrency. These…
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Consumer Alert on False Tax Credits
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a consumer alert regarding false information circulating on social media about non-existent Self Employment, Fuel, and Family Leave tax credits. This misinformation…
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Blog: The Possible Rollback of the Estate Tax Exemption: Why Now is the Time to Plan
The estate tax, often referred to as the “death tax,” has long been a contentious issue in U.S. tax policy. Currently, the estate tax exemption allows individuals to transfer a significant amount of wealth…
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What you Need to Know about Capital Gains Taxes on Real Estate
Selling your home at a high price can be lucrative, but it may also come with tax implications. The IRS might require you to pay capital gains taxes on the profit you earn from the sale. Here’s a detailed…
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Estate of Connelly vs. US Shapes Estate and Tax Planning
In a unanimous decision issued on June 6, 2024, Justice Thomas ruled in favor of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Estate of Connelly v. United States. The ruling held that life insurance proceeds…
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IRS Warns of New Tax Scams Spread by Social Media
The Internal Revenue Service issued a consumer alert following ongoing concerns about a series of tax scams and inaccurate social media advice that led thousands of taxpayers to file inflated refund claims…
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IRS Announces Increased HSA Amounts for 2025
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has adjusted the Health Savings Account (HSA) amounts for 2025. Here are the key changes: Individual Coverage: Family Coverage: The $1,000 “catch-up” additional contribution…
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PA’s Child and Dependent Care Enhancement Tax Credit Expanded for 2023
Last year, the Child and Dependent Care Enhancement Tax Credit delivered critical relief to roughly 210,000 families in Pennsylvania. Research has shown that a similar tax credit on the federal level…
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New Guidelines for Philadelphia Non-Resident Wage Refunds
Philadelphia has updated its guidelines for non-resident Wage Tax refunds which apply to tax years 2023 and beyond. The Wage Tax applies to all earnings made in Philadelphia, including salaries, wages…
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