It is a report of an entity’s continued existence. Decennial filings are made every ten years with the intent to identify business names and marks that are no longer in use, so that they may be reissued and placed back into the stream of commerce.

The Pennsylvania Department of the State requires a Decennial Report to be filed by December 31, 2021. Decennial filings are made every ten years with the intent of identifying business names and marks that are no longer in use.

What does this mean for you:

Did you receive the Action Requested post card?

YES) Go to https://www.dos.pa.gov/BusinessCharities/Business/Resources/Pages/Decennial- Filing.aspx and complete Decennial Report of Association Continued Existence with the nonrefundable $70 filing fee included

NO) If you changed or updated your business information with the PA Department of the State, you are not required to file.

Otherwise, go to https://www.dos.pa.gov/BusinessCharities/Business/Resources/Pages/Decennial- Filing.aspx and complete Decennial Report of Association Continued Existence with the nonrefundable $70 filing fee included.

IF NO ACTION IS TAKEN AND IT IS REQUIRED FOR YOU, you will no longer has exclusive use of its name on or after January 1, 2022. While the business entity continues to exist, its name becomes available for any corporation or other association registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to request it.

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