Have you Enrolled in Tax Caddy for Your Personal Return?

TaxCaddy is a software program designed to make gathering tax documents like 1099s, 1098s, and W-2s automatic and sharing them with Haefele Flanagan a breeze. But why take our word for it? Here are the top 5 reasons YOU should be using TaxCaddy:
5) TaxCaddy provides you with a document request list, so you know exactly which forms are needed to complete your return.
4) With automated document retrieval, documents can be securely pulled from direct financial sources such as payrolls providers, banks, or brokerage firms.
3) No more paper organizers, filing cabinets, or lost forms! Forms and photos can be quickly and securely uploaded from anywhere using the mobile app or your PC, MAC, or tablet – 24/7, 365 days a year. Categorize them on the spot and shred the paper.
2) You own your TaxCaddy account. You decide who to share your information with. If you change accounting firms, you take your TaxCaddy account with you. Your TaxCaddy can hold 7 years of data making it quick and easy if you need to reference past information.
And the #1 reason you need TaxCaddy…
- It’s FREE and you never have to leave the comfort of your home! TaxCaddy allows you to communicate and collaborate with your accounting professional on any device. No need to drive to the post office or to our office to deliver sensitive documents (though we do hope you’ll call or stop by every now and then!).
To sum it up, TaxCaddy simplifies tax time. If you are interested in learning more about TaxCaddy and reviewing some Frequently Asked Questions, visit TaxCaddy | Haefele Flanagan (hfco.com)