NJ Tax Amnesty: November 15, 2018 through January 15, 2018
The NJ Tax Amnesty program applies to outstanding tax filings or payments that are due on or after February 1, 2009, and prior to September 1, 2017. The NJ Division of Taxation recently mailed a letter to all taxpayers who are known to have amnesty-eligible deficient and/or delinquent accounts.
According to the Division, almost everyone – including businesses – may qualify for amnesty. That’s true even if you are currently on a payment plan (contact your assigned caseworker for more information). However, if you have filed an administrative or judicial appeal related to a tax assessment, you may participate in amnesty only if you withdraw your appeal, waive all rights to a future appeal, and receive written approval from the Director of the Division.
You are not eligible for amnesty if you are under criminal investigation or charge for a State tax matter by a county prosecutor or New Jersey’s Attorney General.
Requests for amnesty must be filed electronically.
If you have any questions or if you would like more information, contact Fred Schutz at (856) 722-5300 ext. 201 or Dave Gill at ext. 210.