Significant Changes for PA Corporate Net Income Tax Laws

House Bill 1342 was signed into law in Pennsylvania on July 8, 2022. The bill makes significant changes to the Commonwealth’s corporate net income tax laws.
The Commonwealth’s current corporate net income tax rate is 9.99%, which is one of the highest in the country. House Bill 1342 reduces that rate incrementally to 4.99%. These rate reductions are scheduled to occur automatically and are not contingent on state tax revenues meeting or exceeding specific thresholds.
The rate is first reduced to 8.99% for the 2023 tax year—the tax year beginning on or after January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. The rate is further reduced as follows:
- 8.49% for tax year 2024
- 7.99% for tax year 2025
- 7.49% for tax year 2026
- 6.99% for tax year 2027
- 6.49% for tax year 2028
- 5.99% for tax year 2029
- 5.49% for tax year 2030
- 4.99% for tax years beginning January 1, 2031 and thereafter
For more information, please contact your tax professional.